

Nisha provided a knowledgeable, confident service and showed me what colours work best with my colouring. The session was relaxed and informative, and I’m so pleased with the results I’m letting go of half my wardrobe without a care. It’s such a...


I´m so glad I came to London and train with Nisha. She gave me all the theoretical knowhow to the practical skills I already had which has done wonders for my confidence as it’s helped me to understand my clients better and make profit!


It’s been a few months since my training and I’m now absolutely loving life help young women, like myself, look their best and enjoy shopping for new trends armed with the knowledge on exactly which trends and styles to invest. Thank you Style ME I’m thrilled with my...


Nisha has a gift, an understanding of the human mind, energy and soul. She has taken concepts and developed them to a different unique level that will put you back on the path to the person you’ve always wanted to be. I highly recommend anyone who feels that they...


Nisha is an incredible professional, her fact-based explanations were very interesting and I will definitely apply all the tricks learnt from her on my daily life. She has helped me to become more confident, and to like me better. I totally recommend her services, I...